Megan . Megan .

The Not-So-Straight Career Path.

Launching a successful course ignited a passion for product development beyond consulting. A self-discovery journey led me from exploring project management to embracing product management's perfect blend of creativity, user-centricity, and building impactful products. Now, I'm leading the implementation of user-focused products that make a difference, and I encourage you to explore and find your own fulfilling career path.

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Megan . Megan .

Navigating New Horizons: Life After Layoffs in japan

In October 2023 marked a turning point in my life as I found myself among those affected by the wave of layoffs that swept the tech industry. I hit the pause button for a much needed self reflection trip and step away to Japan for 2 weeks. This article will help those going through layoffs, or seeking navigation in their life for what might ‘be next’ for them.

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Megan . Megan .

How to study more effectively-Introducing SQ3R Method

Discover the key ingredients to effective studying: active engagement, efficient time management, and a diverse range of learning techniques such as the SQR method. Uncover how to boost your understanding, retention, and academic performance while tailoring them to suit your individual learning style.

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